Why offer Sales Incentive Travel Programs?

Simply put, Travel Incentive Programs are the best motivational rewards you can offer your sales professionals, clients and customers. Travel offers a benefit to you that far exceeds cash or prize gift giving. Today, more than ever, competition is fierce. Unless you offer a clear and distinct difference in product selection or value added services, customer loyalty is always at risk. Incentive Travel offers something everyone loves…a great time at someone else's expense! It's all about building better business relationships that result in more loyal customers and greater overall Sales! It has been estimated that over 75% of the Fortune 500 companies use non-cash incentives. People seldom get emotional about cash awards. Travel, on the other hand is a "Fantasy Book". Potential winners dream about the vacation…they fantasize. From every marketing viewpoint, travel is more attractive and promotional than any other form of incentive. Travel targets the audience as well as the prize.

What is the Bottom Line Benefit?

Many companies report a return on investment of over 18% on their Incentive Travel expenses! The basis of a great Incentive Travel program is to give your Qualifiers a fantasy that cannot be bought off the shelf.

Incentive Travel

Phone: 508-877-0519

Fax: 508-877-0619

Email: askurzman@verizon.net

Email: fperetzman@comcast.net

To contact us:

Incentive Initiatives | Incentive Travel | Basic Principles

Where you go to grow you business!

497 Belknap Road

Framingham, MA  01701